MSIG UK Complaints Handling Process
We encourage feedback from our customers and take complaints very seriously as it acts as a valuable source of information and helps us to constantly review the way we do things and make improvements where we can.
Complaint process
What we will ask you for:
- Your full name, address and contact details
- Your quote/policy/claim details
- Who you bought your insurance from
- What has gone wrong – please provide as much detail as you can and if possible include relevant dates, names of people involved and any telephone numbers you may have called
- Any documents that are relevant to your complaint
When we recieve your complaint
Once we have received your complaint we will deal with it promptly and fairly. You can expect that:
- Your complaint will be acknowledged within five business days of our receiving it
- We will assign your complaint to a member of the MSIG UK team who will follow it through to completion
- We will assess your complaint impartially and fairly
- We will keep you regularly informed
- We will resolve your complaint as soon as possible. We will try to do this within two weeks
- For more complex issues, we may need a little longer to look into what has happened. We may request further information to help us reach a decision
After we recieve your complaint
Once we have dealt with your complaint, we will go back and see what we can learn from your experience.
However, if you feel we have not considered all of your issues or you can provide further information, please let us know and we’ll be happy to review it. But if you still remain unhappy or if we have not completed our investigation within the required timeframe, you may be entitled to have your complaint reviewed by another party. We will explain this to you.
Contact us directly
If you are not happy with our response to your complaint
If you live in the United Kingdom or if the subject matter we insure is located in the United Kingdom You may also be able to ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to conduct a further independent review of your complaint subject to meeting certain eligibility conditions.
You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service by telephone on 0800 0234 567 or 0300 123 9123, by email on
For further information you can visit the Ombudsman website at
If you do decide to refer any matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service you legal rights will not be affected.
If you do not live in the United Kingdom or the subject matter we insure is located in the EU the body to which you may be eligible to refer your complaint is country specific. You may have the right to register your complaint with the European Commission’s on-line dispute resolution (ODR) platform.
The ODR platform will redirect your complaint to the appropriate alternative dispute resolution body. For further details can be obtained at